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Writer's pictureVanessa

Mission Made Possible: 6 Tips to Getting the Kiddos Involved in Household Chores

Updated: May 29

Hero image of two children cleaning kitchen as part of Bluebird Design Company blog on how to get kids excited about helping with household chores.

Hey there, super moms! How we doing? Are we tired? With school being back into full swing and the weekends going by in a blur, if you are anything like me accomplishing even the simplest task at home seems like mission impossible.

But … what if I were to tell you, I have six tips to not only get your house back in order but also get the kiddos involved as well. Impossible? Not at all. Let’s get into six tips to getting the kiddos involved in household chores.

Play Some Tunes and Make it … FUN!

Who says chores can't be a dance party? Hook up the stereo, put on the best of Backstreet Boys circa 2000 and cue the music. It’s time to groove and clean! My oldest daughter has shown an interest in classic rock 'n' roll jams and my youngest daughter gets super excited for any jams in the pop-punk category.


Make it collaborative and pull together an ongoing cleaning playlist. Ask your littles for input (and add your own) and be sure to encourage them to dance, sing, or even make up their own cleaning songs as you get to the task at hand.

Race Against the Clock

If there is one thing I know, kids love a good challenge. Turn chore time into a competition against the clock.

Action Step:

Set a timer and give your kids tasks with a time limit. Can they complete their chores before their favorite song ends? The race is on, and excitement is in the air!

Make It a Game

Level up household chores by turning each task into a game. This will require a tad bit of creativity on your end, but here are some ideas to get your wheels turning.

Action Step:

  • Challenge your kids to gather toys as if they're on a treasure hunt.

  • Turn laundry into a basketball shoot-out.

  • Play musical chairs, but with a twist. Place chairs in circle and on each chair put a chore card or an object representing the chore. Play music, have your kids walk around the chairs. When the music stops, they must sit on a chair and perform the chore on the card they choose. Repeat until all the chores are done.

The winner of each games gets a small treat or extra playtime. Game on, momma!

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

Why go solo when you can team up? It’s time to foster cooperation and unity.

Action Step:

Pair up siblings or join forces with your kids to tackle bigger chores. Working together makes chores lighter and less daunting. Not to mention, quality time. Perhaps have the siblings come up with a victory cheer they do once they are complete.

Let Them Choose

Empower your kids by letting them take the reins. It's all about choices!

Action Step:

Allow your children to pick their preferred chores. By giving them a say, you make them feel responsible and in control of the work they are doing.

Reward and Recognition

Let's celebrate success, no matter how small! It's time for a rewards system.

Action Step:

Create a reward system with stickers, ice cream outings, or more screen time. Consider letting your kids redeem their earned rewards for a special treat or a fun family activity.

A little recognition goes a long way in keeping the excitement alive!

So there you have it, Super Moms – six fantastic ways to infuse joy into household chores while bonding with your little helpers. Let's make cleaning and organizing an adventure filled with laughter and shared moments!

Happy cleaning and bonding!

Signature of Dallas's the Bluebird Design Company co-owner Vanessa on blog about getting kids involved in household chores.


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